Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snow Day #3 (Yes, in a row)

Dude, I am so freakin bored it's not even funny. This is the third snow day in a row. The first one, it was nice. No school, sit back, relax, and enjoy a day without my crazy journalism teacher. The second was was ok, still got to relax and enjoy a day without my psycho journalism teacher, but towards the end of the day, I got kinda bored. (Like I was so bored I tried on every hate in my house, including the very heavy and old WWII helmet). And then there's today. I have absolutely nothing to do. Remember how I said my sanity may go down the toilet? I was wrong. It's going to go out the window and get burried in all this flippen snow. It's pretty bad when you actually wnat to go back to school. And it's not even that I really want to go to school, but I am just so bored. I have nothing to do. I feel so useless just sitting around doing nothing. I mean, it's not like I actually want homework and whatever, but I'd at least have something to do. Right now I'm sitting in my living room watching these 2 sisters duke it out over a guy on Jerry Springer. Haha, THAT'S the peak of the excitement today. Wait, that's not true, my mommy and I made bread and we're probably going to watch a movie later, so that's the peak of the excitement for the day. So, I'm gonna go and eat my bread. :) (and continue being bored) So, ttfn! cya! :)

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